Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why Carry a Zoom Lens? from Nikon

One of my goals for this blog is to inform, share and teach this wonderful profession of photography. Here is a nice article from Nikon School on why you should carry a zoom lens, especially when traveling.

I have 2 tips for you:
1.) Remember to keep your zoom lens to a moderate length. Keeping your zoom lens a moderate length will enable you to hand hold the camera to get the shot and will enable you to stabilize your camera for sharp images and you won't have to carry a tripod around with you all the time. Choose between a 17-55, 18-70 or 18-105 to start with.

2.) Another feature to look for in a zoom is VR (Nikon). VR stands for Vibration Reduction. This built-in feature will help to stabilize your lens when shooting.

I hope these help.

Until next time.

Why Carry a Zoom Lens? from Nikon

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Emma's senior photo session

My daughter, Emma, just graduated from High School and just turned 18. A lot going on her life right now. I had the privilage of photographing her senior portrait. We had a blast. What a great session, what a great day!! I love her so much.

Enjoy this great video! Until next time.

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Friday, July 24, 2009


Here we go with my first Blog. What better subject to start my first blog with than my first maternity session. Vasel's Unique Photography is now offering UNIQUE MATERNITY sessions. This awesome couple below, Justin and Emily, took time out of their busy schedule to be my models and help me out. Justin and Emily are expecting in August. We had such a fun session. Lots of great images and lots of great looks from this couple. They were great to work for and hope we can get back together when Hayden arrives! Thanks Justin and Emily, you guys are the best. Here are some finished images. Enjoy.

I love the tone of this image and how the focus is more on their expected child.

What boy is not going to like Dr. Seuss, blocks and trains!

Love these 2 images above. Very romantic and caring. A nice moment.

Black and white, what can I say. A nice mood, a little mysterious.

Absolutely LOVE Emily's expression or non-expression. This is probably my favorite. There is a real sense of a moment being shared here. Justin's profile is awesome.


Love this photograph too. One of my favorites. Nice mood, nice tones, nice moment.

Smiles, barefoot and pregnant. It doesn't get any better. Great image.

To see more of the images from the session, please go to my website and click on the link.

Until next time!

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